5 Signs that Your Car Engine Needs to Be Checked

As the mileage of your car continues to run, the more probable your car will develop some engine trouble. A perfect roaring engine gives chills to many, but a clunking engine struggling to stay on will give any car owner chills and reasons to worry.  A car engine that is about to fail or has issues will always give warning signs. It's up to you to look out for these signs and take your car to your mechanic immediately. Some of the common signs are explained below in detail.

1. More than usual Exhaust Smoke

Is your car emitting more than usual smoke from its exhaust or any other opening? If so, you need to get your engine checked. Excess smoke emission is one of the major signs that your engine has an issue. Based on the colour of the smoke, you'll be able to know what is the problem with your car and which part of the engine should be looked upon.  For example, blue smoke means that your engine oil is leaking while black smoke means that your engine is burning too much gas, implying that you should check your fuel system.

2. Check Engine Sign

Before driving off your garage or parking lot, always check on your dashboard for any warning signs that may be visible. In case of engine trouble, your check engine warning sign will activate on your dashboard. The sign generally signifies that your engine has some trouble.  Visit your mechanic for your car to be troubleshot using an engine diagnostic system designed for your car model.

3. Strange Engine Noises

A knocking sound from your car engine is a classic sign of a failing engine. Such noise is caused when your engine parts such as pistons and bearings wear and tear.  In addition, when you listen to your engine and notice inconsistent sounds while driving, know that your engine has some issues. When you hear such noises, avoid using your car and take it to your mechanic for further diagnosis and repair.

4. Leaks and Patches

If you have a designated parking spot, you can easily notice when your engine is leaking. This is due to the oil patches created due to oil and coolant leaks. Contact your mechanic immediately as continued oil or coolant leaks may damage your engine completely.

5. Reduced Engine Power

Another common feature of a failing engine is reduced engine power. Reduced engine power means that there is an internal problem causing your engine to operate at a lower capacity. In addition, you may notice your engine shaking at high speeds or struggling going up a hill. Don't hesitate to contact your mechanic to ensure your car is roadworthy again.

Your engine is the heart of your car. In case of any issues, never hesitate or procrastinate about visiting your mechanic. The issue may deteriorate causing your engine to fail in the process, which may be very costly.
