Smart Tips for Your Maintaining Your Vehicle’s Transmission

The transmission is designed to deliver controlled power from your vehicle's engine to the wheels. It is an essential component in regulating speed and changing the gears. This system can provide long-term service in your automotive, but it is not indestructible. It is vulnerable to damage through exposure to adverse conditions, poor usage and even mechanical impact. If your vehicle sustains this type of damage, you will need significant financial resources to rebuild, repair or replace the module. On the other hand, you can prevent accelerated wear of the transmission and limit the need for restoration by providing adequate care. Here are smart tips to help you maintain your automotive transmission.

Maintain Fluid Level

The hydraulic fluid in the transmission system is essential in the performance and general operation of your vehicle. Therefore, it is important to assess the condition and levels of the material regularly. Poor transmission fluid condition will lead to malfunctions related to lubrication and cooling. You should check your owner's manual to determine the best way to check the fluid. Generally, most automatic vehicles have a dipstick with a mark that indicates the optimal fluid level. If this is not present, you should consider engaging a technician for the task. You should top up the transmission fluid if it is below the recommended level. In addition, if the fluid has started turning dark brownish, consider changing it completely.

Install Auxiliary Cooler

When the transmission system fails without experiencing physical impact or exposure, the causative factor is probably overheating. If the module is not experiencing sufficient cooling, the internal temperatures will rise quickly. Generally, the seals in the transmission structure will start to harden, the fluid will break down and the clutches might begin to burn. You can limit the potential damage to your vehicle by installing an auxiliary cooler, which can keep the transmission fluid at optimal temperatures. This is beneficial choice if you utilise your vehicle in towing trailers, travelling on rough terrain or transporting heavy goods. These tasks can strain the transmission, causing overheating.

Add Friction Modifier

You should consider enhancing the quality of your transmission system by adding friction modifiers to the fluid. These products are designed to reduce the friction within the gear meshes as well as the bearings. The increased efficiency of the gear movement will promote better fuel economy. Additionally, the friction modifier will increase the friction in the clutches to prevent slippage of the component when you change the vehicle's gear.

For more information and tips, contact a local auto shop that offers transmission service
